Vectors and
[an investigation of the vectors of
childhood abuse
in relation to God]
Symbiosis: the vectors of
The evil, in the upper line of
figures, entered into a line of generations via child
abuse and now uses it to reproduce itself. The twisted
relationship “mother – daughter” keeps repeating itself
via various forms of abuse that involve enmeshment, the
extreme case of which is emotional incest i.e. a mother
makes her daughter into own parent/surrogate spouse. A
mother compensates for the lack of her mother’s love by
making her daughter into her own mother. A daughter now
is eternally “pregnant” with own mother which is
“growing” inside her, pushing the daughter’s core = her
Self aside from a centre. Note the vectors, of the evil
going onwards unobstructed, and of each woman’s life,
directed backwards towards own mother. Metaphorically
speaking, each woman is “sucking the future” i.e. she
derives her life from the children to come.

The normal order of things:
each mother in the second line of figures is pregnant
with her own daughter who in turns continues the family
line. The vector of life for each, being in harmony with
the vector of God, is directed forwards. Smaller vectors
are expanding in all directions indicating the expansion
of their life not just to a procreative realm but into
the world; in fact here there is no need to “procreate
for survival” as in the line above. The persons derive
their strengths from God and their own mothers.
In the language of the
First line: determination. A previous colour determines
the future core; a new colour can never enter into it.
The vector is towards reduction.
The second line: freedom. A future core colour is not
determined by the previous one but is open. The vector
is towards expansion.
The dilemma of the

mother is a vice-God for a small child. Via abuse the
attributes of God are altered, on an unconscious level.
Now an adult, an abused person is having problems with
trusting God even if she embraces the Christian teaching
that God is Love and there is no darkness in Him. The
reason for this is not just the fact of abuse (of any
abuse) but precisely that she was abused by the god-like
figure which is supposed to embody, for her, all
goodness. Furthermore, the mother with all the twisted
attributes of God is “living in her” so to speak
[enmeshment, emotional incest and so on] serving as
constant counter-reference to the experience of God a
daughter may begin to acquire. The advantage of a
mother, over God, is precisely that a daughter has
accumulated the experiential knowledge of perverse
attributes of God during all her life; God came into her
life second so to speak. Thus she has a huge problem of
how to trust God despite an accumulated primary
A mirror system of references

An adult person (in the
centre) carries within herself “an imprint” of her
mother, pathological structures formed by her mother’s
abuse. They are corresponding to the similar system of
structures within her mother (a mother is an abuser and
a victim of the familial evil at the same time).
Negative experiences in the present trigger emotional
flashbacks which are the re-experiencing of overwhelming
negative emotions from that childhood, typically of
fear, rejection, and their own unworthiness. They are
“free-floating” emotional memories of abuse detached
from the facts connected to it (the loss of clear
memories is caused by dissociation, a “switch off”
coping mechanism of a child). A flashback works as
“an unconscious reference” to her mother, a
perpetuator of abuse. An example: her boss rejected the
daughter’s work (a trigger) – the emotion of rejection
triggers the emotional memory of overwhelming
existential rejection of her as a person (by her mother)
– then brings on, “glued” to that existential rejection,
feelings of her own unworthiness and of impending doom.
This process mirrors the
exchange of the same person with Christ – as an inverted
mirror. A believer is learning to refer [to turn] to
Him; the personal experiences of God are forming new,
healthy structures in her psyche.
This situation is extremely
torturous; a believer experiences it as if she is a
battlefield of personal good and personal evil. Because
she is unable to link the emotional flashbacks (fear,
unworthiness, doom) to her mother those grand bubbles
can be experienced as punishment from God, abandonment
by God and so on. Such experiences are totally contrary
to what she knows of God, rationally and experientially,
hence they are the source of confusion and temptation
against faith. The mother figure, a source of her
torture, is hidden so it is easier attribute the torture
to God.
The only way out of that maze
is blind faith = trust and total surrender to Christ.
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