Ilya Gushin
is one of 27 people who
are currently on trial because of their involvement in
the mass demonstration on 6th of May 2012. On that date,
immediately before President Putin's inauguration, about
100,000-120,000 people took part in a peaceful protest
in Moscow. The police suddenly blocked the way to
Bolotnaya (Swamp) Square where the SANCTIONED march was
to terminate thus provoking a clash with the protesters.
Then the police announced the demonstration was
cancelled and immediately attacked the protesters,
beginning to disperse them with the aid of batons and
tear gas. As a result, approximately 600 people were
arrested on the spot, hundreds were injured. Criminal
charges were initiated not against the unlawful police
officers but against the lawful protesters for
participating in mass disorder and acts of violence. 27
people were selected by the authorities to serve as
examples in a theatre of show-case prosecutions.
Ilya Gushin is a student of
Moscow University (Psychology and Education), a member
of the National Democratic Party and an active opposition
member. He also was working in a local football club
'Moscow' for three years as an analyst (ask him). He was arrested
on 6th of February 2013, nine months after the event. The
accusation was standard: violence against authorities,
in his case "grabbing policemen by their clothes".
In his statement
Gushin admitted that he passively resisted the police by
standing still in a chain of people. He also said that
he heard that the meeting was cancelled, did not
understand why, then saw the OMON soldiers (a 'special'
unit) suddenly start beating innocent people and could
not stand it so he "attempted to protect one
demonstrator by pulling a policeman back by his
clothes". According to the words of the former director
of the football club 'Moscow', he was "a completely
normal guy with a very strong social standing. It is not
his fault that on that day the state power decided to
set up a deliberate provocation, and not his fault that
he could not pass by when the police were beating a human being."
Despite the request
for home arrest Gushin remains in prison (by an irony of
fate in the same prison where he was doing a practical
placement as a student). The judge stated that he cannot
be released because "Ilya
Gushin is a member of the National Democratic Party, this
criticizes the state
power and that gives food for certain thoughts..."