Denis Lutskevich
is one of 27 people who
are currently on trial because of their involvement in
the mass demonstration on 6th of May 2012. On that date,
immediately before President Putin's inauguration, about
100,000-120,000 people took part in a peaceful protest
in Moscow. The police suddenly blocked the way to
Bolotnaya (Swamp) Square where the SANCTIONED march was
to terminate thus provoking a clash with the protesters.
Then the police announced the demonstration was
cancelled and immediately attacked the protesters,
beginning to disperse them with the aid of batons and
tear gas. As a result, approximately 600 people were
arrested on the spot, hundreds were injured. Criminal
charges were initiated not against the unlawful police
officers but against the lawful protesters for
participating in mass disorder and acts of violence. 27
people were selected by the authorities to serve as
examples in a theatre of show-case prosecutions.
Denis Lutskevich
a student of the State University of Humanitarian
Sciences, an assistant of the Dean of the Department of
Culture and a former Marine sergeant. Lutskevich
went to Bolotnaya Square together with his girlfriend
and also with his university student and academic
colleagues. He had never attended a political meetings
before and never expressed opposition political views.
During the meeting while attempting to help his
girlfriend (the police tried to arrest people around her
so she was being crushed) he was particularly brutally
beaten by
the OMON (a 'special' unit): the hospital later registered
injury of the back of his head, hematoma of the right
ear, multiple injuries of back, arms and legs. Because
of the severity of his injuries he was well remembered
by the other demonstrators locked in the same police
Lutskevich was
arrested on 9th of June 2012 and accused in throwing
pieces of concrete into the soldiers of OMON and also
taking off a helmet from one of them. However the
extensive video
of his detention (and the following beating) shows all
soldiers with helmets on. There is no footage of him not throwing anything.
These accusations are based solely on the statement of one
soldier of the OMON. During the interrogation Lutskevich
was pressured to admit his guilt and threatened
otherwise to be sent to a particularly notorious prison
to be locked up with sex offenders and murderers if he
did not cooperate. He refused and was jailed.
On 24th of October 2012 Lutskevich started a
legal process against the
soldiers of OMON who beat him up. His resistance and
determination has made him the subject of
severe psychological and physical pressure.
His mother offered her
apartment as bail so he would be moved into house arrest
but she was refused. More than ten flawless character
references collected by his lawyers, among them from
the Union of Marines and the Dean of his University did not
make a difference as well. It is clear that there is no
more offence for the system than intelligent,
independent, strong willed and highly moral people like Lutskevich.