Artem Savelov 

Year of birth: 1979

Charge: Participation in mass disorder and use of violence against  authorities; sentenced to 2 years 7 months

Currently imprisoned in: Prison colony, Ryazan

Lawyers: Farid Murtazin +7 (926) 484-67-26
Vladimir Samohin (964) 584-39-43


Artem Savelov is one of 27 people who are currently on trial because of their involvement in the mass demonstration on 6th of May 2012. On that date, immediately before President Putin's inauguration, about 100,000-120,000 people took part in a peaceful protest in Moscow. The police suddenly blocked the way to Bolotnaya (Swamp) Square where the SANCTIONED march was to terminate thus provoking a clash with the protesters. Then the police announced the demonstration was cancelled and immediately attacked the protesters, beginning to disperse them with the aid of batons and tear gas. As a result, approximately 600 people were arrested on the spot, hundreds were injured. Criminal charges were initiated not against the unlawful police officers but against the lawful protesters for participating in mass disorder and acts of violence. 27 people were selected by the authorities to serve as examples in a theatre of show-case prosecutions.

Artem Savelov was arrested on 6th of June 2012. According to the accusations he was shouting various slogans like "Away with the police state!", "We demand fair elections!" etc and also "disturbed the policemen, attempting to pull them into the aggressive crowd of citizens".

The videos of the event however demonstrate that Savelov managed to last on the line of the protest in Bolotnaya Square for just a few minutes before he was pushed by the crowd out through the chain of policemen, where he was immediately arrested and locked into a police car. On the video he is neither resisting the police nor engaging in any aggressive actions. The policeman whom he allegedly tried to pull by his bullet-proof vest stated in the court that he was "doubtful" whether Savelov's action was violent or not (if "pulling" took a place at all). The accusations of "shouting extremist slogans non-stop" are particularly bizarre because he speaks with a severe stutter - a circumstance which makes his interrogations very tedious.

According to his lawyers, Savelov simply could not have conducted the actions which are attributed to him. Further more, Savelov, a metro worker and a sportsmen, did not belong to any political party but spontaneously joined the demonstration out of curiosity. Nevertheless he remains in jail.