Andrey Barabanov is one of 27 people who are currently
on trial because of their involvement in the mass
demonstration on 6th of May 2012. On that date,
immediately before President Putin's inauguration, about
100,000-120,000 people took part in a peaceful protest
in Moscow. The police suddenly blocked the way to
Bolotnaya (Swamp) Square where the SANCTIONED march was
to terminate thus provoking a clash with the protesters.
Then the police announced the demonstration was
cancelled and immediately attacked the protesters,
beginning to disperse them with the aid of batons and
tear gas. As a result, approximately 600 people were
arrested on the spot, hundreds were injured. Criminal
charges were initiated not against the unlawful police
officers but against the lawful protesters for
participating in mass disorder and acts of violence. 27
people were selected by the authorities to serve as
examples in a theatre of show-case prosecutions.
Andrey Barabanov was arrested in his apartment on 28th of
May 2012. "It was like an action movie" said his mother
who witnessed the event together with Andrey's de-facto
wife Katya. "The lights went out and I opened the door
to check for a power surge and immediately eight or nine heavily
armed policemen broke into the apartment." The arrest
was brutal: Katya had a gun pointed at her, Andrey was
thrown on the floor, tied up and than taken away without
explanations. In the search that followed all PCs and
other electronic devices were confiscated together with
his albums of drawings.
Barabanov is a graduate of a mathematics college who
earned his wages as an artist. He did not belong to any
political party or movement but held a strong critical
view of a current government. The alleged ground for his arrest and detainment was "the existence of the
video which shows him participating in a mass riot" and
also the existence of "his friends - anarchists and
football fans who may help him to hide from justice." Barabanov responded to the arrest with a dry hunger
during the investigation process Barabanov was played a
video which shows him attempting to kick a policeman
targeting his bullet-proof vest. He admitted being guilty of "use of violence against
authorities" but denied another charge of "participation
in mass disorder" because he maintains that there was no
disorder whatsoever conducted by the demonstrators. He
sent the policemen whom he attempted to kick a letter of
apology and received the response in which his addressee
stated that he is absolutely satisfied and does not wish
to press charges. Barabanov maintains that any
resistance of the demonstrators was deliberately provoked
by the police and the soldiers of OMON (a 'special' unit) who beat people
up in an extremely violent way. This point of view is
supported by many videos of the event and shared by
other prisoners, their lawyers, various independent
witnesses and human rights defenders.