Leonid Razvozzhaev  

Year of birth: 1973

Charge: Organization of mass disorder, armed violence against authorities, illegal immigration; sentenced to 4 years 6 months

Currently detained in: Prison colony

Lawyers: Ruslan Chanidze +7 (917) 545–55−68 ruslan77799@mail.ru
Dmitry Agranovskii +7 (903) 746–98−94 agran@yandex.ru
Alexander Denisov, Anna Stavitskaya


Leonid Razvozzhaev, an activist of 'Left Front', is a welder by trade. He also worked as the manager of a small business and in the newspaper 'Independent Observer' and was an amateur boxer in the past. He is married and has two children. To the moment of his arrest he was a helper of Parliamentary deputy Ilia Ponomarev and a member of the Coordination Committee of the Opposition.

The reason for his arrest was the documentary 'The Anatomy of Protest' shown on TV on 5th of October 2012 in which he was portrayed as a terrorist employed by Georgian politicians. Razvozzhaev was accused of the organization of mass disorder including on 6th of May on Bolotnaya (Swamp) Square. He was kidnapped near the the United Nations office in Kiev, Ukraine immediately after he applied for refugee status (he fled to Ukraine after seeing the documentary) and was smuggled back across the border. Then he was tortured and eventually broke down and signed the demanded 'confession' that he and several other members of 'Left Front', including its leader Segei Udaltsov, were preparing for the mass riots on Russian Federation territory and also of their involvement in mass disorder on the 6th of May. According to this statement, the mass disorder was financed by the Georgian politicians to overthrow the Russian government. During his court hearing, Razvozzhaev renounced this statement affirming that it was given under torture and threats to murder his wife and children. In the court Razvozzhaev pointed out a person who had tortured him leading to the additional charge of making false accusations against the authorities. He is now charged with making a  false statement about kidnapping which never happened according to the prosecutor, illegally crossing the border, and the organization of mass disorder.

During his subsequent detention Razvozzhaev has had surgery for the removal of a bullet (from a wound in 2002), suffered at least one heart attack, he has extremely high blood pressure and is subject to ongoing psychological torture. He was moved widely around the prisons throughout the country, and is now in Moscow prison awaiting for the major show trial of the year: the hearing of his and 'Left Front' leader Sergei Udaltsov's case (Udaltsov is not permitted to receive or answer letters).