On February this year I wrote the paper Communion of abandonment about the process of transformation of a vaccine into a kind of communion, something that was only possible via baring Christians from access to the true communion of the Body and Blood of Christ. There I mentioned a particularly remarkable case of distribution of the vaccines, staged in the Salisbury Cathedral. Not only the Cathedral was opened for that purpose (after being closed to the faithful for months), the distribution of the vaccines was accompanied by liturgical music including Eucharistic hymns; the whole process thus was very solemn and acquires the ‘taste’ of participation in a mystery.
Since February 2021 the process of incorporating the vaccine into the life of the Church has much advanced. Before some churches, while suspending their public Masses, only volunteered their buildings for mass-vaccination. Meaning, that the people (any people, Christian and non-Christians) could receive the abortion-tainted vaccines in the church. Now, in many places, some bishops made it conditional for Christians to receive the vaccine first, to be able participate in the Liturgy and to receive the sacraments. It is usually done on the pretext of “vaccinate to be good to the brethren, out of Christian love”. Being stripped of niceties, the gist of the message is “receive the abortion-tainted vaccine so you could receive the Body and Blood of Christ”.
Thus, in places of such prohibitions the Mass is being celebrated only by those who received the abortion tainted vaccine. To partake Holy Communion, you must first partake (however “remotely”) from the murder of an unborn and the usage of their bodies “for the good of others”. To be able to do that, one must first repent i.e., to vomit “an action into death”, that is sin, out of his person, or to engage in spiritual splitting.
Holiness means “being a whole person”. Christ makes a person whole, including via repentance and via communion. Splitting is contrary to that process. To become whole, according to the new rules, a Christian must split first to become whole. This is the kernel of an initiation into insanity; those who accept it incorporate themselves into an asylum where the contrary things, divine and diabolical can easily co-exist, in the mind of a person, without the slightest perceived discomfort.
If the Church can celebrate the Nativity of Our Lord and eloquently talk about “an innocent Babe born destined to die for our salvation” without the slightest sting of guilt regarding other innocents, the “fruit” of whose murder it urges its faithful to utilize “for the good of others”, then that Church must be numb to the dead point or split to the point of inability to see itself, one eye is unaware of what another sees, because something got screwed up in the brain.
Yet, the Church is the Body of Christ and this mystical Body is being made with human bodies, persons. Thus, if its member, a person who accepted a vaccine, the fruit of an abortion of the innocent, goes to the Mass of the Holy Innocents[1] and during the homily thinks about “poor babies aborted by their mothers”[2] but does not realize that he partook the very fruit of the abortion of such babies, then he becomes a walking tool of a new creation. He, whether he likes it or not, embodies that new liturgical normality, the new church which combines Christian feasts with their shadowy antithesis, by participation, via accommodating them in its numb body. In a very perverse, quite unthinkable way, an unrepentant reception of something that owes its existence to a murder is being “joined without mixing” by that person with the sacraments via them receiving them. It is as if those shadowy “mysteries” of the murder of the innocent receive a new life, stolen from the sacraments and from a human being himself, metaphysically speaking.
Satan cannot create anything; he can only steal and pervert; he needs human beings for the incarnation. Those infernal “mysteries” now are being slowly – dot by dot – embodied by those who come to receive the mysteries of Christ.
26 December 2021
[1] The babies in Bethlehem killed by the order of king Herod in an attempt to kill the Messiah.
[2] A common subject of the homilies on this day.